Era Enero y estábamos en el mar.
Nuestro bebé se durmió en los brazos de su abuela mirando una lagartija en la pared.
Los dos nos fuimos a comer pizza, tomar ron y bailar champeta, revolviendo el pelo mientras nos escurría sudor y felicidad.
Al final del baile supimos que estábamos listos para un nuevo bebé. Brindamos por el que ya teníamos y brindamos por el que deseamos, comimos unas empanadas en la calle y nos reímos a carcajadas. Antes de acostamos a dormir enroscados de amor nos tomamos un dolex y un vaso de agua, porque ajá.
Así me vio él a mi esa noche.
•It was January and we were at the beach.
Our baby fell asleep in his grandmother’s arms staring at a lizard on the wall.
The two of us went to eat pizza, drink rum and dance champeta, ruffling our hair while sweat and happiness dripped off us.
At the end of the dance we knew we were ready for another baby. We toasted for the one we already had and also to the one we desired. We ate some empanadas on the street and laughed out loud. Before we went to bed, curled up in love, we had some aspirin and a glass of water, because you know…
This is how he saw me that night.