A las semanas estaba bronceada, feliz y sentada al frente del ginecólogo que me hizo una cesárea de emergencia y lidió con mi síndrome de HELLP.
Le conté nuestras intenciones y le institi con furia que me quitara el Jaydess (no existe el primer anticonceptivo con un nombre normal). Me dijo que en la próxima visita; cuando le trajera los resultados del trillón de exámenes que me estaba ordenando.
Seguí sus instrucciones; nada que no supiera, nada que no hubiera hecho antes, nada porque despelucarse. Sin embargo, tuve un dolor ruidoso que se vio diluido por el resultado de una ecografía normal, y así no más, me fui con mi carpetita, con el dibujo de una mujer que anhelaba ser en unos meses.
Some weeks passed by. I was tanned, happy and sitting in front of the OB/GYN who performed an emergency cesarean section and dealt with my HELLP syndrome some months before.
I told him of our intentions, and furiously urged him to remove the Jaydess (there is no birth control with a normal name). He promised he would do so during our next appointment, when I would bring him the results of the trillion tests he was ordering me.
I followed his instructions; nothing I didn’t know, nothing I hadn’t done before, nothing to be worried about. However, I had a sharp and noisy pain that was diluted by a normal ultrasound test, and just like that, I left with my folder that had the illustration of a woman that I longed to be in a few months.